
Saints We Love

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."


Are you kind? Do you keep short accounts?

I mean,  we all get a bit upset with others,  and sometimes we speak truth,  but not in kindness.  I am always convicted,  if I have not been kind,  and I do quickly ask for forgiveness,  but I have to wait for others and their timing to respond.  They may not be ready to forgive.  They may not be willing to forgive. The waiting to be forgiven is a long wait . . . have you ever had that happen? I have.

I have a new thing I am doing daily - As I wait for my water to boil for coffee (upstairs in my bathroom) I look in the mirror and say the Our Father - looking into my own aged eyes - face to face with myself - and I also say the 23rd Psalm. The words of both are so meaningful - but there is one verse in the 23rd Psalm that is so important and it is this: verse 3 "He restores my soul. * He leads me in paths of righteousness* for His name's sake."

I am loving this verse - because it is about my soul and because He wants to lead us 'for His name's sake.' It is not about us or you or me . . . it is, as all things are ultimately, about HIM. He does not push, nor pull, nor drag but he leads in "paths of righteousness for His name's sake."

As my water reaches the full boil, still looking deeply into my own aged and pale eyes, I have come by this verse, and always slowly - because I don't want to be right (nor wrong) but I want to be on the path of righteousness for His name's sake.

How about you?

1 comment:

Bob said...

Hi Terry, I like that posting. I do something similar, because I think like you: I feel awkward if I'm not filling up the silent moments of my life with prayer. So even walking to work from the parking lot is an occassion to raise my heart and mind to God. :-) Bob Ricci