GRACE, although without even beginning to know, or understanding, the full meaning of the word, this word GRACE, flows from my heart and lips. Grace is a word I mention or write throughout each day.
GRACE is so much a part of my life, the life I live, the lives of those I live with, in the Spirit, and the exciting and precious life the Lord has given me because of HIS people, like you. I often 'feel' that HE 'does' move us gently, and lovingly, like the beloved children of the King on His CHEST Board, close to His Heart. Best of all HE enjoys the Game of our Life. Why not? HE is the King and He has won us all.
Terry Fenwick
Daily, I ask myself, "Where would I be without Grace?" Even with Grace, it is hard to keep up! Sometimes I notice that Grace goes ahead of me and whistles, "Come on! we have a lot of catching up to do."
This is the most difficult thing I have ever written in my life.
The word flows from your heart and lips, Miss Terry, because you are so incredibly grace-filled. You are such a delight.
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