Bob Ricci shared a beautiful request this morning asking us to walk in total forgiveness and not carry a grudge. Since many of us, as Catholics, say the Our Father at least once every day, I wanted to share this helpful "hint!"
I have, finally at 80, learned to say the OUR FATHER in front of my mirror, first thing in the AM (while my hot water boils) just so I can watch my eyes when I pray and, I do it so, when I come to the "forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE those who trespass against us" I look deeply to see if I have not forgiven - because I can do it that minute or I can stop with the prayer. Two choices.
The same at Mass and at night when I finish the day with the same prayer. Nothing has helped me more because I cannot say that prayer to the end without forgiving. Without carrying a grudge!!! It took me too long to learn this but, the peace in my life, since I have learned to stop at that part of the OUR FATHER, IS AMAZING. Forgiveness is a choice.
Coffee has never tasted so good as that cup I have after prayer. I also do 1 Hail Mary and Psalm 23 where I relish the verse, 3 He restores my soul. * He leads me in paths of righteousness* for His name's sake. (I am fully aware then that I am an agent for my Lord and what I do is for His name's sake!) Oh, my! About the time I reach "my cup overflows." my water is done and I find myself at AMEN